Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bath time for Kayla

At 2.5 months old, she is starting to respond to you when you talk to her.. She actually gurgles back sometimes. She especially loves it when you sing to her. But what she loves most... Is bath time. 
Yes, my baby girl enjoys her bath. Every time we put her in the water it is smiles, happy gurgles and pure, unadulterated baby joy all around, you can literally see her facial expression, and it is the exact same one that I wear whenever I go for a massage or a facial. Yes, pure bliss. Enough said, I will let the pictures do the talking..

The various outfits of my baby girl from birth to nearly 3 months..

Kayla is now nearly 3 months old, and I've recently started dressing her up.. I've come to realise that dressing Kayla is nearly equal to playing dress up with a doll. Make that a real living doll which pees and poos. This is totally uncharted territory for me as i am really not into dress up - my ideal outfit is a black singlet and old denim shorts. So I've tried taking pictures of Kayla's various outfits (what I've tried to mesh together anyway).

This is her in her first ever outfit... She was about a month and a half old before I started to dress her.. She basically lived in onesies up till then, mainly because she was in this tight flexed position which made wearing tights impossible.

This is her in her first dress..

Her in a onesie... Ok snowsuit.. How small is she..

We had a wedding on September 6th and this is what she wore... an Ella dress with a headband. She was already grumpy when I put the dress on, but lost it completely when I tried to put the headband.. It was hilarious

When my sister in law came to visit she bought Kayla a gorgeous sweater and pants from seed. Granted she can't yet fit the pants, but the sweater is just right. She wore this on Fathers Day Sept 14 to church. 

Since then, she has worn a number of different outfits, including this one from her brother's wardrobe.

On a side note, she had a professional photoshoot at 5weeks old. What a cutie. On one hand I cannot believe I did this, but on the other am so glad I did.