Dear Jayden,
Today you are 15 months and 9 days old. Weird date to be writing this, but Mummy has been so busy with uni study papers and deadlines that she hasnt had the opportunity.
It is so hard to believe 15 months ago you were just born. This time last year Mummy was staying home with you, caring for you every hour of every minute of every day (well, except for nights because Daddy is so awesome). I will come right out and say that I really miss this time with you now. I have put together some thoughts, that hopefully will be able to express how I feel being your mother. Thank you for being you, our lives wouldnt be complete without you around.
I love how you have grown. I love (and sometimes hate) how you are now able to express emotions and thoughts. From crying in general just because to crying when things dont go your way.
I love how when we ask you "Where's Miley (the cat) Jayden?" and you always run to our wardrobe, point to Milo and say "There". In fact, "There" is one of your first words.
I love how you love bathtime. I especially love your refusal to get out of the bath, and then proceed to run away from me, screaming with happy laughter when Im trying to dress you. Yes, think wet slippery naked all over the house even in winter when its like 8 degrees in the house (Potential Occupational health and safety issue).
I love how you give me cuddles and run all around the place. I even love how the first thing you do when we get home from anywhere is run through the house looking for "Aunty Becca" and try to crashknock her door (even though my mummy-ego takes a beating then its still cute).
I love your cheeky smile whenever Daddy asks you to say "Da-Da" and how you always, always say "MA-MA" instead and burst out into fits of laughter, even though we know well that you are fully capable of saying it.
In short, you are amazing.
Daddy and Mummy
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