So here goes...
Happy Birthday to my darling baby boy..
You have seriously grown so much!! Mummy and Daddy have had the awesome privilege of being able to witness you grow physically and mentally. You are maturing into such a sensitive, caring little boy. Yes I said 'little' and 'baby' because no matter how much you protest and tell me that "I'm not a baby anymore, I'm a big boy now mummy', you will always be my first-born baby.
I love how you laugh, and play with your play-dough and paints. I love how gentle you are with the babies around you, and how you profess your love for your coming baby. I love how you love rough-housing around with Daddy and how cheeky you are, especially when it comes to throwing your soft toys at Daddy's face and anticipating his reaction and running away.. I love your smile and how you always greet me with "HIIIII MUMMY!!!" when you come home from Emali or Ah Ma's house.
I secretly love how you come into our bed in the earliest times each morning and snuggle with us (dont tell Daddy). I also secretly love your independence, strong will and how you assert yourself.
You are amazing, and we love everything about you.
Here's to another wonder-filled year ahead.
Mum and Dad
So anyway, this year was special because we were able to celebrate his actual birthday in Singapore with my family.. and my mum planned a party and ordered a cake.. here it is..

When we returned to Adelaide, I organised a small party for his friends sometime in February.. This was the waterbomb game.. I what a good sport he was, even when a whole bucket of water was poured on him ha ha (I was half-expecting tears).

Daddy waterbombing (mummy)

and then showing Jayden how to do it.

Mummy throwing back..
Time for Cake: (Yes I made the cake (from a box), yes the other one cannot compare (hah):

I think he was happy.. and so were we. Thank you to all his friends for coming and helping him celebrate.. it was amazing - you guys all are.
Here's to this year ahead!!
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