Monday, June 23, 2014

Deja Vu

I've sort of been in denial about when Baby Girl will arrive. I must admit, I love my current state of maternity life.. Which involves having a long nap in the afternoon (when Jayden sleeps which is normally 3 out of 4 afternoons) and going to bed at 8pm and lots of TV and relaxation.

I am not looking forward to having a newborn again, not even kidding, just imagine the next 3-6 months being equal to 1 long day, a day that never ends, with just brief rests in between.

The week before Jayden arrived we had a massive week of rain and storms.. Resulting in my roof leaking and Josh having to get up there and fix the patches. 

Well, the same thing happened last night! A severe weather warning was issued for the rest of the week and big gale force winds are predicted. We woke up to the roof leaking (in the same spot), and Josh had to take a day off to fix it. That's our floor at the moment, full of buckets, and towels.

Thank God for a handy and fit husband. 

Guess I'd better get my hospital bag packed.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Quick Update

It is now approaching mid June, and yes I have not blogged for awhile, but in my defense I have been busy.

Since my last post:
1. I have officially finished Sem 1, 2014 and the first half of 3rd year physiotherapy, completing Acute Care and Rehab modules (Whoo Hoo!!)

2. I am now 36weeks+2days pregnant. Little one is due anytime after this sunday... (but preferably on 7/7/2014).

3. I am on 'maternity' leave/ uni holidays now, which will last till october where I will undergo another 5 weeks of pain sciences (another subject).

4. We have (finally!) decided on a tentative name for our little girl. #whyisitsohardtoagree

So what have I been doing with myself?
Lets just say that the Nesting Instinct has kicked in, big time. In between my time with Jayden, I have been desperately trying to clean, arrange, rearrange every room in my house. I mean, every tiny little thing. I am no where near done and it is so frustrating when I think about the amount of work that needs to be done.

Its hard because other than Mondays and Fridays where he goes to childcare, Jayden is with me 24/7, and it is just impossible to get ANYTHING done when he is around. In fact as I am typing this my house looks like a tiny Jayden-size bomb has exploded and I am trying to curb my frustration in.

Anyway I hope to get the whole house done soon, and will post up piccies!!
Also, try asking a pregnant, hormonal woman to get rid of Jayden's old clothes.. a monumental task seeing that his things have been piling up since his birth and I now have 4 large 60L storage boxes bursting to the brim with his used clothes I need to sort... and give away...