Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Quick Update

It is now approaching mid June, and yes I have not blogged for awhile, but in my defense I have been busy.

Since my last post:
1. I have officially finished Sem 1, 2014 and the first half of 3rd year physiotherapy, completing Acute Care and Rehab modules (Whoo Hoo!!)

2. I am now 36weeks+2days pregnant. Little one is due anytime after this sunday... (but preferably on 7/7/2014).

3. I am on 'maternity' leave/ uni holidays now, which will last till october where I will undergo another 5 weeks of pain sciences (another subject).

4. We have (finally!) decided on a tentative name for our little girl. #whyisitsohardtoagree

So what have I been doing with myself?
Lets just say that the Nesting Instinct has kicked in, big time. In between my time with Jayden, I have been desperately trying to clean, arrange, rearrange every room in my house. I mean, every tiny little thing. I am no where near done and it is so frustrating when I think about the amount of work that needs to be done.

Its hard because other than Mondays and Fridays where he goes to childcare, Jayden is with me 24/7, and it is just impossible to get ANYTHING done when he is around. In fact as I am typing this my house looks like a tiny Jayden-size bomb has exploded and I am trying to curb my frustration in.

Anyway I hope to get the whole house done soon, and will post up piccies!!
Also, try asking a pregnant, hormonal woman to get rid of Jayden's old clothes.. a monumental task seeing that his things have been piling up since his birth and I now have 4 large 60L storage boxes bursting to the brim with his used clothes I need to sort... and give away...

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