Friday, July 27, 2012

Engine Trouble

And by that I do not mean our cars. Okay I admit in the past month we have had to replace both batteries in each car. I dont know, maybe they both decided to become friends and start losing everything together but let me tell you it was a blow. But thats over now so now Im going to concentrate on today's topic.
I will be the first to admit it.

This semester is not going well for me, mainly because I cannot find the motivation to start studying really hard once again. How do you say this.. when you've tasted the icing there's no way you're going to plow through the entire cake.. when you've experienced the fullness of 1 month of beautiful holidays, who wants to go back to the hard slog???

Because I am really, really behind my uni work, and its only week 1. Am starting to stress about it really hard.

Not to mention the fact that I am sick. Sick as a dog. Who knew the human nasal cavity and sinuses could produce so much mucosal?!! Not to mention I have red eye (conjuntivitis, thank you, Jayden) and a cough that makes my voice sound deeper than Josh's (well okay, maybe Joash's because Josh does not inherently have a deep voice at all). In short, having a man voice, bloodshot eyes and a persistant cough does not make you want to study at all.

I hope this passes soon.

In the meantime, here is a clip of a song, “Thank you’ by the Katinas. It just helps remind me that I have so much to be thankful for everyday, and especially not to forget God in all this.

Friday, July 20, 2012

School holidays

Its been so long since I have blogged. Main reason is because of exams, everything had flown out of the window. But since then I have had an entire month off.

An entire month off to spend time with my son. My precious, very cute, loving and cheeky son. I love that he is cheeky and I love that he is mine. I love his sudden and passionate hugs before he runs off to play with something else. I love that cheeky grin that crosses his face everytime he thinks he's done something wrong and now its time to run away from Mum and Dad.

An entire month off to spend time with my husband.

Also my brother and sister-in-law as well as my mother flew down to spend some time with us.

All in all these holidays have been fantastic. I have never needed a break more than I have now.

Now that I've come up for air, its hard to voluntarily submerge myself back into the uni life.

Semester 2 starts next week, and already readings have been assigned.

If anything, last semester taught me that it is okay to spend more time with Jayden.

Heres to the next semester.. 4 more months of pure hard work...

I can hardly wait for the end of year holidays, where we get 4 MONTHS off.. whoo hoo..