Monday, February 10, 2014

'Can I hear your heart Mummy?'

Jayden has been having trouble sleeping lately. Every single night without fail, he just has to 'go to the toilet' at least twice after we have turned his lights out. Afterwhich, he lies in his bed and begs for his mummy or daddy to 'come sleep with me for a little bit only' then screams when we try to dismantle ourselves from his frantic toddler grip.

It is incredibly frustrating. Especially when I have to juggle housework, uni work not to mention pregnancy tiredness. Sometimes I just end up screaming. At him. 'GO TO SLEEP NOW!!! I MEAN IT!!!!!' x1000000.. You get the picture... And it's not pretty.

Tonight was no different. I caught Jayden out of his bed and in the corridor about 15 mins after we put him down, and was just about ready to unleash the mummy fury, when he looked at me, smiled and said,

 'Can I hear your heart mummy?'

My heart melted.

I nodded, and he lit up.

i then allowed him to take my hand and lead me to his room.

Looking deep into his eyes, I was struck by how much my baby has grown.

I embraced his still-yet-not-so chubby hands and wrapped him in my embrace, placing his ear on my chest.

'Can you hear my heart?'

He nodded and smiled.